Thinking of starting a vegetable garden? Find out how good it feels to press a tiny seed into soil, water it, and watch it sprout and grow. You’ll have food to eat and share with family, friends, and neighbors.
Here are some tips to make your garden grow:
Set a routine. You’ll likely stick to a schedule to water, fertilize, and harvest. Your plants will love you for it. Remember, you’re their life source, so make sure you keep up with the maintenance.
Go online. If you can’t find seeds or supplies in stores, you can order online and have them mailed to you. You can also find DIY videos and get other resources from the University of Hawaii and Urban Garden Center. Join a virtual community of gardeners on Facebook, such as 808 Green Thumbs.
Start easy. Build your confidence with plants that are easy to grow, such as radishes, green beans, green onions, and sweet potato.
Experiment. Too much water? Not enough sun? Pay close attention to what works and make adjustments along the way. That may include moving plants around to areas that best suit them.
More the merrier. If you’re planting vegetables, consider growing flowers, too. Zinnias and marigolds can repel bugs and sunflowers attract bees for pollination.
Most importantly, have patience. Successful gardening is often achieved through trial and error. Be prepared for some disappointment. But overall, you’ll gain a lot of satisfaction.