Frozen Fun Cubes

Fernando Pacheco
March 13, 2017

With all the vibrant colored beverages and fancy packaging we see on store shelves, a glass of water can seem pretty boring. Here’s a way to give your glass of water an upgrade without spending money on infuser bottles and a cupboard full of ingredients. Take that boring old ice tray from the freezer and fill it with a flavor-packed edible. As your ice cubes melt, flavors are unlocked and your beverage stays cool.

I decided to add a cost-effective challenge in my most recent attempt at this recipe. All the ingredients for my ice cubes had to come from my garden.

Here’s what I was able to harvest: nasturtiums, rosemary, basil, lavender leaves, tangerine leaves, mint and aloe.

Frozen Fun Cubes

The recipe is simple:
•    Harvest a flavor-packed edible
•    Rinse
•    Freeze in ice cube tray
•    Enjoy

Pair your flavored water to complement your meal. Use specific colors to match a party theme. You can even get the kids involved and do taste tests. It’s cost-effective, healthy and easy.

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