desk exercises you can do anywhere

Craig DeSilva
May 16, 2018

Got a minute? Try one of these exercises, which you can do with a desk, chair, or wall. 

When you’re doing these exercises, keep your back straight, abs engaged, and shoulders relaxed. Proper form is important to prevent injuries. If you feel pain doing an exercise, skip it.

Desk pushups
Place your hands shoulder-width apart on your desk, coming into a standing plank position.

Inhale as you lower down. Exhale as you push up.

Do 10 repetitions.


Chair dips
Stand in front of your chair and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the seat.

Lower down with your body close to the chair.

Inhale as you lower down. Exhale as you push up.

Do 10 repetitions.


Wall squats
Stand with your back to a wall and lower down so your knees are at a 90-degree angle.

You should be able to see your toes over your knees.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Calf raises
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Rise up onto your toes.

Squeeze your calves at and hold for a few seconds.

Do 10 repetitions. 

Seated crossed-leg stretch
Place one ankle over the opposite knee, creating a figure 4.

Push down gently on your top leg for a few seconds.

Switch legs and repeat.

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