Preparing for college is exciting, but figuring out how to pay for it can be stressful. Whether you’re getting ready to pursue higher education or you know someone heading off to college, scholarships can help with tuition, textbooks, and other college-related expenses.
Though applying for scholarships may seem like too much work for something so uncertain, that free money is worth it! According to Christina Rivera, college and career counselor at University Laboratory School, the misconception many high school students have is that they won’t be awarded any scholarships. “Don’t be intimidated,” she says. “College is expensive. Any aid will be helpful and it doesn’t hurt to apply.”
Rivera knows that applying for scholarships may feel overwhelming, so she shared a few tips to help you get scholarships:
- Apply early.
- Read and follow all instructions carefully.
- Keep organized with a spreadsheet that includes deadlines, documents needed, application instructions, and any contact information you may need.
- Have someone read and proofread your application essays.
- And most importantly, apply for as many scholarships as possible.
There are many scholarships available from local companies and organizations, one of which is The HMSA Kaimana Awards & Scholarship Program. For the past 17 years, HMSA has invested in the next generation of Hawaii's leaders through this program. It awards up to 15 students $5,000 scholarships each for excellence in academics, athletics, community service, healthy activities, and sportsmanship. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, requirements have been relaxed and participation in athletics and involvement in community service are encouraged but not required.
To be eligible for the HMSA Kaimana scholarship, applicant must:
- Graduate from a Hawaii high school in 2022 with a 2.75 or higher GPA.
- Submit an official transcript.
- Submit two letters of recommendation from school faculty, mentors, or coaches.
- Write a personal statement and essay about community and well-being.
The deadline to apply is Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. For more information, visit the Kaimana website. Good luck!